Advantages of Using the Best Noise Cancelling Headphones

Tony Shah
3 min readDec 20, 2019


Noise is everywhere. You may not always hear it, but it’s there. Noise is pretty much every sound that you were not specifically listening to. You could be talking to a friend on the phone, but you could also hear car horns and engines blaring loudly in the background. You could be listening to your favorite song on the radio while your neighbor’s dog barks at the mailman. Noise, for all intents and purposes, is all around you.

But just because it’s there doesn’t mean that you have to live with it all the time. While you can’t always control the source of the noise, there are ways to cancel it out, so that you can just focus on what it is that you are listening to. One of the most common ways to reduce or even eliminate background noise is to use the best noise cancelling headphones. These portable loudspeakers are specially designed to cancel out ambient or background noises so that you only hear exactly what you want to hear.

Advantages of Using the Best Noise Cancelling Headphones

Other than the above mentioned benefit of being able to listen to the sounds that you want to hear minus all the background noises, there are a few other advantages to using noise cancelling headphones. Sure, those 18-inch speakers are great for parties and other large, social gatherings, but what if you’re by your lonesome, and you just want to listen to your tunes in peace? Here are some of the reasons why getting the noise cancelling headphones might convince you to throw away your regular old cans.

You won’t need to turn the volume up so high. With your standard stereo bluetooth headphones, you may sometimes find yourself cranking up the volume on your phone or digital music player just so you wouldn’t hear your brother and sister fighting over who gets the last slice of pizza. There might be times when you just want to drown out all the noise with music so loud that it could potentially ruin your sense of hearing. Noise cancelling headphones eliminate the need for you to suffer through all that trouble, while simultaneously keeping you from going deaf. Or insane.

You can listen to sounds in the purest form possible. Whether you are talking to someone on the phone, or rocking out to your tunes on your iPod, or streaming a movie through Netflix, using noise cancelling headphones allows you to hear the audio more clearly. With ambient noise gone, you can hear every lyric, every dialogue, and every word that your friends tell you on the phone. You won’t have to keep asking them to tell you again because you couldn’t hear them the first time. Think about all the minutes you could shave off of your mobile plan simply by having shorter and more intelligible conversations on your phone!

You get to travel in peace. If you, like a lot of people, are sick of all the stress brought on by your daily commute, then noise cancelling headphones could help you get some peace of mind. Instead of having to listen to all those car horns honking loudly during rush hour, or those inconsiderate people talking loudly behind you on the train, you can simply put your best noise cancelling headphones on and quietly enjoy some Mozart, or Beethoven. Or some Bieber, no judgement here.

You get to save some more money. Add those few extra bucks that you won’t have to spend on expensive, professional studio headphones to the money that you save off of those mobile minutes that you don’t use because of the shorter and much clearer conversations that you’ve been having on your phone. Many of the noise cancelling headphones that you can find today are so reasonably priced that you won’t have to break the bank. If you know what you’re looking for, you can find a treasure trove of noise cancelling headphones that cost less than a hundred bucks.

So checkout the list of the best true wireless earbuds under 50, best Alexa headphones, Top Siri Headphones, best pixel headphones, best Apple Watch headphones, best headphones for Galaxy phone and best mac headphones.



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